Investment Properties in 15106 Carnegie, Pa

Are you looking for Investment Properties in 15106 Carnegie, Pa?
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Investment Properties | 15106 Carnegie, Pa Offers the latest off-market Investment Properties in 15106 Carnegie, Pa
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Investment Properties | 15106 Carnegie, Pa
Are you a top producing Realtor or Broker looking for investment property deals for your picky investors?
Are you interested in picking up additional flip properties for your personal portfolio?
Are you a handyman looking for a primary residence to live in while you add value (and net worth) by adding some renovations before you sell?
Maybe you are looking for a slight edge on your competition or have an interest in offering deals to your clients no one else in town knows about? Maybe you want to seek out new ways to increase your sales and revenue numbers this year…? If so, you are in the right place and we want to network with you.
Find Your Next Investment Property in Allegheny County
Pgh Cash Listing and our family of companies can help you offer more value to your clients with first-to-market deals.
We are a full time, locally owned and operated real estate investment team focused on finding and buying high equity deals at below retail.
We buy distressed, pre-foreclosure, bank owned, investor specials, handyman specials, fixer upper specials – you name it, we find it or have access to these types of highly sough after deals!
Start working with us today by adding yourself to our Preferred Buyers List. We will provide you access to our deals and you will have first look at offerings added to our access list. Just click below, provide us with a few details and you will have full access to our deals and offerings.
Add Yourself to Our Buyers List Today… Gain Access to Investment Property Deals
When we secure a new property that fits our criteria, we notify our Preferred Buyers. Preferred Buyers with specified location and buying criteria on file will receive priority notification.
Due to the excellent investment opportunities available in Allegheny County and surrounding areas or Pittsburgh, we are adding below market handyman properties and foreclosure properties to our list weekly, and they tend to get snapped up very quickly.
Interested? You should be! So go ahead and add yourself to our Preferred Buyers list right now by clicking the link below so we can notify you of each new discounted home or investment property in our inventory.
After registration you will receive full access to any existing deals and be notified immediately with any newly added foreclosure properties for sale in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County and the surrounding areas.
Are you interested in finding a fixer or handyman deal in 15106 Carnegie, Pa?
Fill out our Short Form Below Right Now!
Investment Properties | 15106 Carnegie, Pa